The Sunday Collection is the principal form of financial support for the daily operations of the church including insurance and utility expenses.
The teaching of the Church reminds us that parishioners have the responsibility of supporting their parish. We encourage you to consider automatic withdrawals from your accounts or another electronic method. What often happens is that if one misses Sunday mass at the parish, no donation is given – but the expenses and bills remain the same!
Please take to heart the importance of your contribution. Note that the parish does not receive other significant income on any regular basis. It can function ‘materially’ thanks to the generosity of its donors.
Apart from normal Sunday Collections we are looking for sponsors helping us carry costs of church maintenance. Our churches are big and old buildings and as you can imagine they require maintenance and restoration. For all donations you make we can issue receipt for your tax purposes.
In 2016 we plan to continue working on restoration of St. Joseph church and we will continue collecting funds to pay project for restoration of St. Giles church. Roof at St. Giles is in very bad shape so we might be pushed to renew it.
Thanks to received supsidies some restoration work will be started this year in St. Giles church and we also plan to work on entrance portal of St. Mary’s church.
If you would like to support us, please take a look at Contact us page to get bank account information.
We are grateful for all your support of our parish.